Living and surviving in today's world is as difficult as it is easy. Yes you heard me right, it's not a typo. The world today is cramped up with lots of selfish and egocentric individuals at different levels morally and economically. No body wants to be second; that of course isn't an ignoble nor selfish ambition.
The fact is we all have what we are good at, and we must also accept that others are better than us in more ways than one. Life is not a matter of being the best as much as it is about being productive and useful. Competition is good, it encourages innovation; but that's sometimes. Most of the time, it pushes people to edge and stretches them until they finally snap.
To me, it doesn't really matter how the world rates me; as long as what I'm doing does make a difference no matter how little and so long as I strive to be better each time I go at it.
Yes call me Second Best or even Fourth Best; call me whatever you wish, I'll keep doing what I'm doing, I'll adjust what needs to adjusted, trim all excesses, tighten all loose ends; I'll learn from my critics and disregard them when necessary. What I won't do is to let what the world thinks about me run me into oblivion.
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