Maintain Control Over The Mind
The mind is the ground where the battle for sin is won or lost. It is the mind that the devil offers his suggestions and the moment you begin to entertain it in your mind, chances are that you will loose the battle. Just like pregnancy naturally results into the birth of child, sinful thoughts when nurtured naturally result into sin. Whatever you allow to take root in your mind is what will manifest in the physical. If you can't overcome temptation in your mind, in all probability, you will fall in action. So you must not let the attraction of sin take root in your mind. God has given every one of us power to control our mind and choose what we think. You may not be able to keep Satan from putting an evil thought into your mind, but you can choose not to dwell and act on them.(2 Corinthians 10:5). Whenever an evil thought pops into your mind, refuse to dwell on it for a second. Drop it from your field of attention and always refuse to make your mind a fertile ground for immoral thoughts. Be selective about the thoughts you entertain(Philipians 4:8) be continued....